Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2013 蛇年新年快乐

2013 蛇年新年快乐

2013年最热卖的新年产品L5 CHOCOLATE 瘦身 与 SKINourish 抹茶胶原蛋白


全城最Hit的L5 chocolate 在早前数度全城断货,加上12月的圣诞节配套更是引起一阵抢购风潮。配合农历新年的到来,我们询众要求再度优惠,让想变瘦及变美的顾客们可以在不必付高费用的情况下就可以享用产品。现在您只需区区的RM600就可以购买到4盒L5及2盒SKINourish,节省RM160(原价RM760)。

还有20多天就是华人农历新年,想让亲朋好友对你的身材哗然?想拥有蛇腰过好年?想听到朋友对你说你变美变年轻了?现在开始服用 L5 chocolate 及SKINourish 还来得及哦。

这次只有一个完美配套,让喜欢 L5(变瘦) 及 SKINourish(变美)的顾客们都能一致受惠,以最优惠的价钱买到城中最热门且最安全食用的产品。为了答谢顾客们对本公司产品的支持,每个配套都即买即送,折扣高达10%~20%或以上

配套 A :L5 Chocolate 4盒 + Skinourish 2盒 = RM600


 DeFungo是經由安妮美商店合格授权批发与销售于L5 CHOCOLATE 与 SKINOURISH 抹茶胶原蛋白来自A2DLIFE。我们专销售与批发单一种类消费产品,给予客户更专业化。如你想瘦身L5 CHOCOLATE是你的首选, 如你想美容漂泊那我们的SKINOURISH抹茶胶原蛋白是你的首选。


如要購買,請和我們授权銷售員订购, 谢谢^^

相关帖子 :
1. 2013 Snake New Year - English Version

2013 Happy Chinese Snake New Year.

2013 Happy Chinese Snake New Year.

The value promotion package for 2013 Chinese New Year. The promotion package is L5 Chocolate 4 Boxes + Skinourish 2 Boxes is only RM600 for West and East Malaysia, the original price for this package is RM760, you are SAVE UP TO RM160.

Small Note To Share :
[ Chinese New Year 2013 will be celebrated on a Sunday and Monday, with a replacement holiday on Tuesday for all states except Kelantan and Terengganu. It will be followed 15 days later by Chap Goh Mei, which, though not an official day off, is still an important time for families to gather together again to end the CNY celebrations with a meal and more fireworks. ]

"DeFungo start to accept the order again from Feb 13th and fully to do whole nationwide delivery again since our schedule".

DeFungo Post Ads for Chinese Version “2013 蛇年新年快乐”

After new year days, you may need L5 Chocolate for your lose weight, and Skinourish Matcha Collagen to improve your beauty skin.

This new year, we only have 1 package for the Promotion which is :
Package A :L5 Chocolate 4 Boxes + Skinourish 2 Boxes = RM600
Last Day Valid Promotion : 2013 Feb 19th, please place and reserved your package with us or our authorized agent.

You also can buy this promotion package to send gift to your relative, family and your friends. This is good package for you at the same time can lose weight and for your skin beauty.

DeFungo is an Authorized Network partnership under Berfa Shop for selling and promote L5 Chocolate, Skinourish and Pro 9 from A2Dlife. Our concept and program is only for one type categories product from only 1 brand. If you are looking for Slimming and Beauty Skin, please called us, we highly recommended for L5 Chocolate & Skinourish.

2013 Happy Chinese New Year Promotion Package Postage For West and East Malaysia are same.

You can place order from our eAgent & eSales.

Related Post Ads :
1. 2013 蛇年新年快乐

新疆昆仑雪菊 - 天山来客,菊之珍品!

促销销售配套 免费邮费 至 2013 FEB 28

西马 : 1 罐 RM25
东马 : 1 罐 RM30


新疆昆仑雪菊 - 天山来客,菊之珍品!


灿烂,耐酷寒之磨砺,经冰雪之纯化. 野生新疆雪菊具有很强的生长地域性,一般生长在雪域高原




- 可谓天山来客,菊之珍品!




健和药用被维吾尔族代代传承下来。 野生昆仑雪菊价格昂贵,当然昆仑雪菊的功效与作用也显著:



肝脏伤害等症状,有一定的缓解作用,并且睡前饮此茶也会起到安神之功效。 切记!低血压,孕妇

与小孩禁止服用! 每瓶38克只售RM25.00包邮费西马, 东马RM30包邮费

L5 Coklat Malay

*We are looking for agents, do PM us for more information, If interested =)*

Product Description (L5 Chocolate Malay Version)

L5 Coklat Kuruskan Badan Berat Anda 

L5 Coklat Di Inggeris Di Panggil L5 Chocolate

L5 Chocolate Menikamati Minum Untuk Menjadikan Anda Lebih “Sihat” Dan “Kurus”

Normal Package Price: (West)

1 Box RM120
2 Boxes RM230
3 Boxes RM340
4 Boxes RM450
5 Boxes RM560
6 Boxes RM670

Normal Package Price: (East)
1 Box RM125
2 Boxes RM240
3 Boxes RM355
4 Boxes RM470
5 Boxes RM585
6 Boxes RM700

 Needs more please Do PM Us.

Postage Fees:
1-2Boxes Is RM6
3-4Boxes is RM10
5-6Boxes is RM15


Menikamati Minum UntukMenjadikan Anda Lebih “Sihat” Dan “Kurus”

- Membantu Anda Mencapai Berat Badan yang “Sihat” dan “Langsing” Tanpa Masalah!

Menurunkan Berat Badan tanpa diet, tanpa suntikan risiko, tanpa kerosakan gastrousus, tanpa keubatan,

tanpa senaman berat, dan tanpa kalori-mengira, L5 Chocolate adalah kaedah yang paling "MUDAH" untuk

mencapai berat badan yang ideal!

L-5 CHOCOLATE -Rahsia Kurus Secara Sihat:-
ü Tiada Anoreksia, Tiada Cirit-Birit, Tiada Keletihan
ü Mempercepatkan Pembakaran Lemakü Meningkatkan Kadar Metabolisme
ü Menjadikan Berat Badan dan Otot Secara Sihat
ü Meningkatkan Fungsi Imunü Menggalakkan Gastrousus Motiliti

Mengapa Memilih L5 CHOCOLATE?
L5 CHOCOLATE merupakan produk penurunan berat badan organik yang paling popular pada masa terkini.

L5 CHOCOLATE menggunakan formula organik dan teknologi asal penggubalan German – L5 Technology®

untuk menjamin badan anda yang lebih sihat dan lebih mudah! Bahan kandungan L5 CHOCOLATE bukan

sahaja meningkatkan metabolisme badan anda, ia juga mempercepatkan kebakaran lemak dan menghalang

lemak menolak untuk mencegah pemulihan berat yang lagipun menjaga sel-sel otot anda secara berkesan!

Anda hanya perlu minum L5 CHOCOLATE setiap pagi, berat badan anda akan berkurang dan langsing ideal

bukan lagi sebuah mimpi anda!

Komponen lain termasuk
* Ekstrak Guarana, ekstrak kacang putih buah pinggan, serbuk susu krim, serat koko, serbuk coklat panas


Pengunaan cara:
* Ambil satu paket sehari dan campurkan dengan 50ml air suam sebelum sarapan.

* Simpan di tempat sejuk dan kering

Tips Berguna:
* Minum banyak air sekurang-kurangnya 2 liter -3 sehari untuk mendapat hasil yang lebih berkesan

Spesifikasi produk:
* 15 paket dalam satu kotak, setiap paket jumlah hidangan 10g

* Selamat sesuai dimakan untuk semua orang dewasa yang sihat peringkat umur 18-60 tahun
** Jauhkan dari kanak-kanak dan tidak sesuai untuk ibu-ibu mengandung dan penyusuan.

Diiktiraf Oleh Pelbagai Peringkat Antarabangsa
- Sesuai untuk vegetarian
- Sistem jaminan kualiti yang tinggi memenuhi standard antarabangsa
- GMP disahkan
- Disahkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
- Authentic pensijilan HALAL yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia.

Segera Beli Produk Ini, klik Contact Us

SKINourish Matcha Collagen 膠原蛋白

SKINourish Matcha Collagen 膠原蛋白


SKINourish 所含有的成分,是经过专业的研究与测试以达到解决上述种种的皮肤问题。服用SKINourish 能让您拥有更健康与亮白的肌肤。

产品名称 :SKINourish Matcha Collagen
分量 :5克
用法 : 溶于120毫升温水
Recharge (补给) : 使肌肤得到充分的补给、提高肌肤补充水分高达6000倍、美白、减少细纹和皱纹及增加皮肤弹性。





1. 增强身体抵抗力
2. 高效的抗氧化物
3. 舒缓皮疹、发炎及伤口
4. 抗炎功能
5. 活化细胞功能
6. 防止老化
7. 修复皮肤细胞
8. 改善皮肤质地
9. 使肌肤更结实、更青春及更灿烂
10. 保护皮肤胶原蛋白免受自由基的攻击

抹茶,大豆胶原蛋白,赖斯酰胺, 丝质氨基酸,左旋-谷胱甘肽,辅酶Q10,抗坏血酸,赖氨酸,Teavigo™(90%的儿茶素EGCG)



丝质氨基酸 (蚕丝精华)

左旋-谷胱甘肽 (99%谷胱甘肽)

Teavigo™ (EGCG) 已被证实拥有以下几种有效功能,其中包括:
● 抗氧化(降低胆固醇) ● 抗炎功能 ● 抗动脉硬化 ● 抗菌功能
● 增加脂肪氧化(防止肥胖) ● 调节葡萄糖功能 (糖尿病)

Teavigo™ (EGCG) 的结果显示具有较强的抗氧化功能,它可以是胆固醇的氧化低密度脂蛋白(LDL)的强效抑制剂。Teavigo™ 也具有预防动脉硬化的功能。Teavigo™ 的抗氧化功能可以帮助防止体内已氧化的胆固醇沉积于动脉血管壁内。这对于避免动脉血管硬化的情况有特别帮助(动脉粥样硬化)。Teavigo™ 确保内皮细胞能够正常的发挥其功能,从而有助于保持健康的心血管系统。除此之外,研究证实Teavigo™ 可有效减少皮下和体内脂肪的堆积。

Konjac Sponge天然魔芋海绵

Konjac Sponge天然魔芋海绵

*RM110/ Set (4粒)
*RM210/2 Set (原價RM240)
*RM300/3 Set (原價RM360)

* 1 粒 RM6.00 - 西馬
* 1 set RM6.00  - 西馬, RM10.00 東馬
* 2 set RM10.00 - 西馬, RM15.00 東馬
* 3 set RM15.00 - 西馬, RM20.00 東馬


全天然魔芋(Konjac)根(天然植物纤维)是制成的海绵。它拥有额外细幼的条纹, 用于洗脸及洗擦皮肤。适合每个人使用,包括新生儿, 让新生儿脱离不必要的化学沐浴露,只要魔芋海绵在手就可以为宝宝洗出干净光滑的皮肤

100%纯天然植物纤维日本魔芋海绵 Konjac Sponge 是多功能用途,只要你肯试试,保证你马上会爱上它。魔芋纤维非常柔软,它含有100%天然及带有细幼的条纹能有效去除脸部和身体皮肤角质层的死细胞,并留下了胶体膜滋养和保护你的皮肤。使用时可以不必使用任何清洁剂,甚至适合清洗最敏感的皮肤。它不含任何防腐剂或人工色素,是天然魔芋根制而成的魔芋海绵。


魔芋海绵完全是由 :
- 植物纤维。
- 不含防腐剂。
- 食品级原料制成。 
- 无色素,无添加剂。
- 100 %“日本制造”的魔芋海绵。
- 不含危险化学品的魔芋粉制造。 

魔芋海绵适合于 :
- 狐臭者。 
- 干燥皮肤。
- 敏感皮肤。
- 去掉粉刺。 
- 娇嫩的皮肤。 
- 特油性的皮肤。 
- 去掉顽固黑头。
- 细幼条纹皮肤。 
- 疤痕 - 减轻疤痕。 
- 柔软的性质皮肤。
- 慢性爆发的暗疮。 
- 遭受太阳破坏的皮肤。 
- 适于皮肤过敏者使用。
- 剃须时的皮疹和过敏。 
- 去掉角质层死皮,优质。
- 过敏性皮肤(敏感皮肤)。 
- 乳头过度黑(变粉红色)。 
- 患有暗疮(青春痘)的皮肤。 
- 适合每个人使用,包括新生婴儿。 
- 暗疮者使用后,就会看见明显的效果。
- 有黑色素比如:黑斑,黑眼圈,腋下,产后妊娠纹的黑色素。

魔芋海绵功能与特点 :
- 去狐臭。 
- 自然舒缓暗疮。
- 自然舒缓黑头。
- 去除污垢油脂。 
- 平衡皮肤酸碱性。
- 减轻皮肤生藓者。
- 自然舒缓皮肤疹。
- 降低皮肤的总酸度。
- 使用后皮肤变得细润。 
- 自然平衡皮肤的pH值。 
- 清除细菌所引起的暗疮。 
- 去除皮肤角质死皮细胞。
- 清除细菌所引起的暗疮。 
- 使肤色更健康,光泽亮丽。
- 多孔性质和水储存的特点。
- 减少皮肤过敏或发炎的症状。
- 生气泡的最佳清洗效果和高级的滋润。
- 清洗皮肤毛孔,清除黑头,污垢及油脂。
- 顺然地让脸部皮肤更结实,健康,光泽。
- 轻易的去除脚趾皮肤,给皮肤自然光泽。
- 乳头变干净(变红),脚脚边边会较干净。

使用魔芋海绵者的一些分享与感想 :
1. 刚听闻身旁的亲戚与朋友说起这魔芋海绵时,本人真的是无法相信它的神奇。在每天看到我的侄儿头部有皮肤敏感,而且看了很多医生都无法痊愈。就无妨试试的使用了这魔芋海绵,过了一个月多侄儿头部的皮肤敏感症就完全的痊愈了【Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 38岁家庭主妇】。

2. 谢谢100%纯天然植物纤维日本魔芋海绵,我阿姨使用过后,她的脸部变得光泽而且有水分似的,而且经部和脸部的黑斑也明显浅了【Tampin, N.Sembilan, Malaysia, 44岁会计师】。

3. 开始给我4个月的宝宝洗澡时,要抹身时就用这魔芋海绵,抹完身过后就发现到我宝宝的皮肤感觉真的不一样了,触摸下去皮肤感觉很“干净而带点水分还有光泽”【Klang, Selangor, Malaysia, 35岁设计师】。

魔芋海绵使用 :
1. 浸泡在水中3-5分钟,直到它完全软化,即可使用.
2. 对于喜爱用清洁剂者,可以先用清洁剂,然后用已软化的海绵盘旋方式轻轻按摩脸部。至于敏感皮肤,只需用清水轻轻按摩.
3. 使用后,经过几次清洗,储存或挂在阴凉及通风良好的地方.
4. 如要获得更佳效果,每1至2个月更换新的100%纯天然植物纤维日本魔芋海绵.

魔芋海绵3大重点必须注意 :
- 海绵还未柔化之前,请不可使用.
- 如果你是过敏性皮肤,请不可用力擦洗.
- 不要太过用力挤压,不然会损坏海绵.

Wajah Dengan Span Konjac

Wajah Dengan Span Konjac

Malaysia Paling Bagus Kulit Produk - 100% Serat Sayuran Semulajadi Span Konjac

Span Konjac Untuk Sesiapa Yang Inginkan Wajah Yang Cantik - Hanya Dengan Span Konjac Tanpa Pencuci Muka Yang Lain!

Span Konjac Ini : Adalah span semulajadi yang di perbuat daripada akar konjac (serat sayuran semulajadi) yang sesuai di gunapakai oleh semua pembersihan badan dan muka dari peringkat umur bayi ke warga emas.

Span Konjac berasal dari Jepun. Penghasilannya berasaskan bahan makanan, di perbuat dari serbuk konjac tanpa sebarang pengawet, pewarna, dan bahan kimia yang lain. Hampir kesemua produk pembersihan muka menggunakan bahan kimia yang merbahaya. Berbeza dengan Span Konjac kerana ianya di hasilkan daripada 100% semulajadi.

Ia merupakan serat tumbuhan yang digemari oleh orang-orang Korea dan Jepun. Span Konjac yang halus dan lembut dapat membawa keluar sel-sel mati pada permukaan kulit badan dan muka, ia akan meningalkan lapisan colloid untuk memelihara dan memberi perlindungan terhadap kulit. Ia sesuai untuk semua pembersihan kulit termasuk kulit yang paling sensitif. Ia tidak mengandungi segala pengawet atau perwarna.

Keistimewaan Span Konjac :
-  Mengawal pH kulit.
-  Membunuh bakteria yang menyebabkan jerawat.
-  Tekstur lembut yang amat sesuai untuk kulit sensitif.
-  Memberi keanjalan dan mengekalkan kelembapan kulit.
-  Sesuai untuk orang yang berpenyakit kulit (Atopic disorder).
-  Pembersihan ke dalam liang roma dapat menghilangkan blackheads, kotoran & minyak.
-  Pembersihan secara mendalam serta mengeluarkan sel-sel mati pada kulit supaya kulit kelihatan lebih bersinar.

Span Konjac sesuai untuk menghapuskan :
-  Panau
-  Jeragat
-  Bintik hitam.
-  Ruam panas.
-  Kulit berjerawat.
-  Kulit yang kering.
-  Kulit yang lembut.
-  Kulit halus (Atopic).
-  Kulit yang berminyak.
-  Ruam akibat cukuran.
-  Bayi baru lahir atau kulit yang terlalu lembut.
-  Kulit yang sensitif / alergik pada kulit / halus.
-  Ruam yang disebabkan semasa pencukuran.

Manfaat utama Span Konjac :
*  Kulit berseri - Mengurangkan  blackheads.
*  Kebersihan - Mengurangkan acnes / jerawat.
*  Penyeimbangan pH - kulit yang lembut dan halus.
*  Kejelitaan - Mengekalkan kelembapan dan keanjalan kulit.
*  Mengurangkan kekedutan - Keadaan kulit yang lebih elastik dan halus.
*  Semulajadi - Penyelarasan ke atas kulit yang sensitif dan memberikan kelembutan pada kulit.
*  Memerlihara kelembutan kulit - Mengekalkan kelembutan yang meyerupai kulit bayi dan tiada kesan sampingan.

Span Konjac Cara penggunaan :
*  Merendam di dalam air selama 3-5 minit sehingga ia lembut.

*  Untuk mendapatkan kesan yang baik, menggantikan Span Konjac baru setiap 1 atau 2 bulan.

*  Selepas menggunakannya ,bilas span dengan air yang bersih dan menekan span dengan berhati-hati untuk mengeluarkan air darinya. Selapas membilas, gantungkan span pada tempat yang dingin dan pengaliran udara yang baik.

*  Untuk pencucian yang menggunakan pembersih muka, gunakan Span Konjac mengosok secara membulat. Untuk kulit yang sensitif, adalah dinasihatkan supaya jangan menggunakan segala pembersih muka, gunakan Span Konjac dan cuci dengan air yang bersih sahaja.

Penting :
*  Jangan gunakan ketika span masih keras!
*  Jangan perah atau menekan span terlalu kuat, ini mungkin merosakan span!
*  Jika anda mempunyai kulit sensitif atau kulit yang terlalu halus, jangan menggosok terlalu kuat.

Nama Produk : Span Konjac

Kod Stok Produk : BS1006b_Care_Span Konjac Kecantikan (BS1006b)

Penerangan Produk : Ini Span Konjac adalah spam semulajadi yang di perbuat daripada akar konjac (serat sayuran semulajadi) yang sesuai di gunapakai oleh semua pembersihan badan dan muka dari peringkat umur bayi ke warga emas. Sesiapa Yang Inginkan Wajah Yang Cantik Dengan Hanya Span Konjac Tanpa Pencuci Muka Yang Lain.

Pembungkusan Produk : 1 set = 4 biji.

Harga Produk :
* 1 Biji RM30.00
* 1 set RM110.00
* 2 set RM210.00 (harga asal RM240.00)
* 3 set RM300.00 (harga asal RM360.00), untuk satu tahun.

Caj Penghantaran :
* 1 Biji RM6.00 - Barat Malaysia
* 1 set RM6.00  - Barat Malaysia, RM10.00 Timur Malaysia
* 2 set RM10.00 - Barat Malaysia, RM15.00 Timur Malaysia
* 3 set RM15.00 - Barat Malaysia, RM20.00 Timur Malaysia

Penghantaran Produk : Malaysia Barat & Timur. Kuala Lumpur dengan Selangor penghantaran PERCUMA dengan syarat.

Penghantaran Masa Sampai :
1.) Untuk Kuala Lumpur & Selangor - Sama Hari sebelum pukul 4.00pm telefon dengan syarat membeli, bayaran boleh bagi pada penghantaran tempat anda.

2.) Untuk Barat Malaysia - Sama hari sebelum pukul 4.00pm kira hari ini. 2 - 3 hari kerja sampai tempat anda.

3.) Untuk Timur Malaysia - Sama hari sebelum pukul 4.00pm kira hari ini. 3 - 6 hari kerja sampai tempat anda.

Beli Produk : Berfa Shop 7 Hari Kerja. Masa lari 9.00am sampai 5.00pm. Telepone atau Online Order hanya dari 9.00am sampai 4.00pm

Lagi banyak maklumat yang berkaitan tentang produk ini
Konjac Sponge 天然魔芋海绵 - Malay Version
di Defungo - Facebook Fans Page

konjac-sponge - English Version

Konjac Sponge Malaysia

Konjac Sponge Malaysia

100% Natural Vegetable Fiber Konjac Sponge

Malaysia Konjac Sponge Secret Top Selling - 100% Natural Made From Pure Plant Roots, Beautiful And Smooth Your Skin

Berfa Shop previous post click here to read more "Wajah Dengan Span Konjac" - By Bahasa.

The Konjac Sponge Is Effective Skin Cleansing, Care For Natural, Pure And Beautiful Your Skin, Facial And Body.

The Malaysia Konjac Sponge is made from Konjac Root (natural vegetable fiber) with extra fine texture.

Is the secret weapon for Beautiful, Care And Smooth Your Skin.

The Konjac Sponge is former found and developed by Japanese as a needed product for babies with much care for their skin during the dry season. It grew to a beauty product used by millions of Japanese now. This is due to the pure natural goodness of the Konjac Sponge. And now it is One Of Online Hot Selling Item at Malaysia Market.

The reason why the Konjac Sponge are loved by the females and children because it does not give stress on the skin, and retains the moisture on the skin, and without damaging the sebaceous membrane, gently takes care of the pollution on the skin.

The unique structure of the vegetable fiber of the Konjac Sponge, forms a moisture film when washing theirs very good use for the bath for the females who’s skin is not receiving the make up well next morning because of stress by the outer pollution and tired by thick make up, and the babies who’s skin has weak function of forming the skin protection barrier.

What Is Konjac Sponge?
Is "konjac sponge" aka "konnyaku sponge". It is an all-natural sponge made from konjac roots (konnyaku), both alkaline and carries a natural cleaning agent, so soap is not necessary. And the main ingredient is a naturally purified vegetable fiber (konjac roots - konnyaku), with extra fine texture and 100%. And is hot skin care products on Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Korea. And there is :
-  100% Made in Japan
-  Kills acne-causing bacteria.
-  Gently balances out the pH of your skin.
-  Extra soft texture is ideal for sensitive skins.
-  Naturally moisturizes your skin when you wash.
-  100% Naturally Sustainable & Environmentally Safe
-  Gently exfoliates your skin, bringing the natural shine.
-  Ideal for people with Atopy skin disorder (hypersensitive skin)
-  Deep cleanses skin pores eliminating blackheads, dirt and oil.
-  100% All Natural with No Preservatives and No Harmful Chemicals
-  Made with 100% all natural vegetable fiber called "Konjac", "Konnyaku" aka "Amorphophallus Konjac"

Konjac Sponge Perfect For Who Are :
-  Extra dry skin.
-  Extra oily skin.
-  Extra delicate skin.
-  Chronic acne outbreaks.
-  Shaving rashes/irritations.
-  Extra sensitive/allergic skin.
-  Atopic skin (hypersensitive skin).
-  Atopic skin (hypersensitive skin).
-  Overly-exposed & sun-damaged skin.
-  Newborn babies or extra delicate skin.
-  Infant’s skin, with still-developing skin layer.
-  Overly-dried skin suffering from heavy cosmetics.
-  Teenage skin suffering from acnes and breakouts.
-  Sensitive & allergic skin with weak protective layer.

Konjac Sponge Key Benefits :
*  Clearer Skin - Less Blackheads.
*  Cleaner Skin - Less Acnes/Pimples.
*  Younger Skin - Shinier Skin Complexion.
*  Less Wrinkles - More Elastic & Flexible Skin.
*  All-Natural - Softer on Sensitive/Delicate Skin.
*  Less Abrasive - Extra Gentle on Baby Skin + No Irritations.
*  Balanced pH - Smoother, softer skin Key Facts of the Konjac Sponge.

Konjac Sponge Usage :
1. Softening by soak in warm water for a few minutes.

2. Gently expel the excess water in sponge and now ready for use.

3. Massage your face/body with the sponge in circling direction, either with or without cleansing soap.

4. After use, rinse it and dry it in a cool place for next use. In summer, better to put it in fridge after using.

Important Note On Konjac Sponge :
-  Do not use when the sponge is still hard.
-  If you have a topic or Hypersensitive skin, do not scrub too hard.
-  Do not twist or press the sponge too hard, it may damage the sponge.

Konjac Sponge Is Your Facial And Body Skin Solution Provider

Product Name : Konjac Sponge

Product Stock Code : BS1006e_Care_100% Natural Konjac Sponge (BS1006e)

Product eTalk : 100% pure natural plant fibers Japanese Konjac Sponge. KONJAC SPONGE All Natural Konjac Root (natural vegetable fiber) made of sponge. It has extra fine thin stripes. Scrub for face and skin.  For everyone to use, including newborns. For newborns from unnecessary chemical shower gel, konjac sponge in hand as long as that baby could be washed out clean and smooth skin.

Product Price :
* 1 Pcs RM30.00
* 1 Set RM110.00 (4 pcs)
* 2 Set RM210.00 (Original Price RM240.00)
* 3 Set RM300.00 (Original Price RM360.00), for 1 year.

Product Delivery Charge :
* 1 Pcs RM6.00 - West Malaysia
* 1 Set RM6.00  - West Malaysia, RM10.00 East Malaysia
* 2 Set RM10.00 - West Malaysia, RM15.00 East Malaysia
* 3 Set RM15.00 - West Malaysia, RM20.00 East Malaysia

Product Delivery Area : West / East Malaysia

Product Order Process Duration For Konjac Sponge :
1.) For Kuala Lumpur & Selangor : Same day before 1.00pm for phone ordering with terms and condition, your goods will be send out at the same day.

2.) For West Malaysia - Before 1.00pm for your ordering and payment pass verification. You will receive your goods within 2 - 3 working days. If is after 1.00pm we will count as tomorrow ordering.

3.) For East Malaysia - Before1.00pm for your ordering and payment pass verification. You will receive your goods within 3 - 6 working days. If is after 1.00pm we will count as tomorrow ordering.

Working Days & Time : DeFungo work for 7 working days from 9.00am to 5.00pm, except public holiday. Online or phone ordering only allow for 9.00 am to 4.00pm

Instantly Order Konjac Sponge, click Contact Us

Post Related With This Product - Konjac Sponge
1. Wajah Dengan Span Konjac - Language By Bahasa
2. 天然日本魔芋海绵- Language By Mandarin

L5 Chocolate Slimming Malaysia

L5 Chocolate Slimming Malaysia

L5™ Chocolate, 2012 Hot Selling Slimming & Beauty Product Management On Malaysia.

L5™ is for L-Carnitine, L-Aginine, L-Glutamine, L-Lysine, and L-Glycine, 
this L5 will help you to lose your fat and weight.

L5™ Chocolate is an great beauty slimming product as simply as how you want to lose your weight with Healthy Life.

And L5™ Chocolate is made of plant extact without any side effects, so not worries 
about Side Effect.

L5™ Chocolate is produced by Germany Advanced Organic Formula with its most unique technology formulation and allows you drink up with easily for a healthy and slim figure.

L5™ is an Fat-burning Chocolate Drink, which to helps for increase your body metabolism. During the process of fat-burning, this process will generate heat in our body. At this time, we need to drink plenty of water to supplement the consumption of water. Besides, eat more fruits and vegetables will also help to maintain our body temperature and allows body to have enough water to excreted fatty acids from our body through sweat, urination and release heat through respiratory system.

DeFungo & Berfa Shop Highly Recommended For L5™ Chocolate 
Beauty & Slimming Product

The significant effect of L5™ Chocolate :
* No anorexia, No diarrhea, No fatigue.
* Increase body metabolism rate.
* Shaping body with burning extra fat in your body to achieve total weight loss.
* Enhance immune system.
* Promote gastrointestinal motility.

L5™ Chocolate that helps you to lose your weight :
* without diet.
* without risk injections.
* without medication.
* without strenuous exercise.
* without calories-counting.

Why we called as "L5" Chocolate? This "5 of L" that will help to lose your fat and weight with Healthy And Beauty Slimming Body :

1.) L-Carnitine,  is a natural amino acid which transfers fat and converts it into energy. Besides, it helps to reduce our body weight by keeping our body water into body muscle cells. It was identified the most safety and non side effects of dietary supplements in 2003 by the International Obesity health organization. L-Carnitine weight-loss process has truly achieved 3 main health weight loss standards under the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria: No Anorexia, No diarrhea, No fatigue.

2.) L-Aginine, when we are getting older, anti-aging hormone secretion in our body will be declined. L-Aginine can stimulate and increase secretion of anti-aging hormone to build a solid body cell, burning excessive fat and increase metabolic rate in our body. The antioxidant of L-Aginine can support various operations in our body system as well as prevent heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and slow down aging process. L-Aginine increase and growth hormone secretion, enhance lean muscle mass, maintain bone density, and thereby reducing fat tissue in our body and it helps to control weight in gravity training.

3.) L-Glutamine is the important nutritional supplements for bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts. It has the most abundant of free amino acids in the muscle. It enriches nutritional possess the support of metabolism, nitrogen balance and advance the protein synthesis function. L-Glutamine can increase the cell volume of muscle stimulate muscle protein and glycogen synthesis therefore it is not only helps to lose weight but also helps on bodybuilding.

4.) L-Lysine is one of the essential amino acids which promote human development and enhancing body immune function. It is the most important material and essential ingredient to control the long suppression of central nervous system of our body. With enough L-Lysine supplements in our body, it helps to improve the absorption and utilization of food protein to achieve balanced nutrition and improve malnutrition.

5.) L-Glycine which can help to reduce serum insulin in our body. Hence, liver produces lesser cholesterol. In general, plant food contains high levels of glycine and arginine. Thus, vegetarians have relatively low heart disease. L-Glycine can supply more creatine and delay the muscle degeneration. It plays significant role in improving sleep and quality of life safely without causing rebound of sleep problem with discontinuation of treatment.

How to drink L5™ Chocolate as effectively, this is how as simple and easy to boost up your slimming program :
Step 1 : Make sure you are empty stomach and it is before breakfast. Before 9:00AM is the best time to consume L5 Chocolate.

Step 2 : Prepare 50ml of warm water (30°C) and mix with L5 Chocolate.

Step 3 : After consumed L5 Chocolate, you can do 5 minute exercise or longer. You can stop exercise if you are start sweating.

L5™ Chocolate Internationally recognized food safety indicators :
- Suitable for vegetarians.
- High standard quality assurance.
- GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice Factory) certified.
- Certified by Ministry of Health Malaysia.
- Authentic HALAL certification issued by the Malaysia’s Department of Islamic Development.

L5™ Chocolate Ingredients :
Guarana extract, white kidney bean extract, low fat milk powder, cocoa fiber, hot chocolate powder, oligosaccharides

L5™ Chocolate Direction for use :
Consume 1 sachet of L5 Chocolate mix with 50ml warm water before breakfast daily. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water for more effective results.

L5™ Chocolate Cautions :
Restrict for 18 – 60 years old healthy adults only. Keep away from children. DO NOT consume during breast-feeding and pregnancy.

L5™ Chocolate Specification :
15 sachets per box, each sachet serving size 10g.

L5™ Chocolate Storage :
Avoid direct sunlight and keep product in cool and dry condition

Product Name : L5™ Chocolate

Product Stock Code : BS1004e_Slimming_L5 Chocolate Slimming (BS1004e)

Product L5 Chocolate Review : L5™  taste out good figure - Germany Formulated Specialized For Weight Management, is fat-burning Chocolate Drink. Just drink L5™ CHOCOLATE for everday morning, become as beauty slim healthy shouldn't be a dream anymore.

Product Pack : 1 Box = 15 packs

Product Nationwide Price For West Malaysia L5 Chocolate:
* 1 Box RM120.00
* 2 Boxes RM230.00 (ori price RM240.00) - 1 month slimming treatment.
* More quantity price on L5 Chocolate please contact us. This is L5 Chocolate Normal Selling Price without promotion period and are not included on West Malayisia Delivery charge fees.

Product Nationwide Price For East Malaysia L5 Chocolate :
* 1 Box RM125.00
* 2 Boxes RM240.00 (ori price RM250.00) - 1 month slimming treatment.
** More quantity price on L5 Chocolate please contact us. The selling price are INCLUDED on East Malaysia On This Price List.

Product Delivery Charge :
* 1 Box RM6.00 West Malaysia, RM6.00 East Malaysia
* More quantity price on L5 Chocolate courier fees please contact us.

Product Delivery Area : West Malaysia And East Malaysia For L5 Chocolate

Product (L5 Chocolate) Process Delivery Duration :
1.) L5 Chocolate On Kuala Lumpur & Selangor - Same day before 4.00pm for phone ordering with terms and condition, your goods will be send out at the same day. Minimum order for L5 Chocolate is 4 Boxes.

2.) L5 Chocolate On West Malaysia - Before 1.00pm for your ordering and payment pass verification. You will receive your goods within 2 - 3 working days. If is after 4.00pm we will count as tomorrow ordering.

3.) L5 Chocolate On For East Malaysia - Before 1.00pm for your ordering and payment pass verification. You will receive your goods within 3 - 6 working days. If is after 4.00pm we will count as tomorrow ordering.

Working Days & Time : DeFungo & Berfa Shop work for 7 working days from 9.00am to 5.00pm, except public holiday. Online or phone ordering only allow for 9.00 am to 8.00pm



最潮流最热的网络新产品 - 冬虫夏草实体糙米麦片营养餐包


康王首创, 独家配方, 没有了传统的龙烈虫草药腥味, 

如你想读相关英文的张贴, 按这里 - Cordon 7 Days Post


康王7天 - 康王培植的北冬虫夏草培养基均选择优质的牛奶、大米、添加葡萄糖、氨基酸及微量元素精制而成,充分保证了北冬虫夏草在生长过程中所需摄取的营养。经检测微量元素含量与野生冬虫草基本一致,虫草素含量远超出野生冬虫草的30倍!

康王7天, Cordon 7 days
Cordon 7 Days/康王7天

康王7天含有 :
- 高膳食纤维。
- 零胆固醇。
- 零反式脂肪。
- 12种维生素。
- 18种人体必需氨基酸。
- 20多种微量黄金元素。
- 含有维生素B3,铁质及菊粉。

冬虫草已是千年历史用于在传统中医,它虫草沿用于辅助 :
- 提升睡眠质素。
- 调节身体机能。
- 改善消化系统。
- 降低胆固醇水平。
- 改善新陈代谢率。
- 保持健康的肌肤。
- 消除疲劳和减轻压力。
- 促进细胞生长及分解。
- 排毒及改善肥胖问题。
- 显著地增强肺部活力。
- 增进抗氧化物,养颜美容。
- 提高免疫和神经系统的功能。
- 促进心血管健康 强化肾脏功能。
- 防止便秘, 胆生石,贫血及肠癌。
- 增强你的记忆力,体力,耐力和整体表现。

服用康王7天冬虫夏草实体糙米麦片营养餐包的3大理由 :
1. 价钱大众化, 人人负担得起。           

2. 安全食品, 康王虫草经纳米技术加工, 人体完全吸收。高含量虫草素, 高蛋白质, 18种人体必需氨基酸, 20多种微量元素, 12种维生素。

3. 即溶饮品, 添加了天然糙米, 麦片和菊苣, 提供了更多营养来源, 美味可口省时又方便, 更可当为代餐。

更多于康王7天 :
-  日本科技。
-  纳米科技。
-  卫生局批准的健康食品。

康王7天服用方法 :
* 小孩 : 12岁以下的 一天半包, 个;隔两天再半包
* 成人 : 一天一包, 建议每天一包一个月30包

康王7天包装含量 :
1盒 7包康王7天
1箱 12盒康王7天

DeFungo & 安妮美 - 产品名称 : 康王7天

DeFungo & 安妮美 - 产品存货代码 : (BS1002c)_健康_康王7天 (BS1002c)

DeFungo & 安妮美 - 产品解说 : 本地最热量的销售健康产品 - 康王7天,天天好天. 康王首创, 独家配方, 没有了传统的龙烈虫草药腥味, 保证老少咸宜的芬香味。

DeFungo & 安妮美 - 产品价钱表 :
* 1 盒 RM49.90
* 2 盒 RM99.80
* 3 盒 RM149.70 
* 4 盒 RM199.60 (28天配套)
* 10 盒 免费2盒(1箱 = 12盒)RM499.00 (一盒等于 RM41.60)。一个人3个月配套,还是三个人一个月配套。

DeFungo & 安妮美 - 产品递送价钱表 : 建议一次拿一箱,适合小家庭健康配套
* 1 盒 RM8.00 - 西马
* 2 盒 RM15.00  - 西马
* 3 盒 RM18.00 - 西马, RM20.00 - 东马
* 4 盒 RM20.00 - 西马, RM25.00 - 东马
* 1 箱 RM18.00 - 西马, RM20.00 - 东马

DeFungo & 安妮美 - 递送地方 : 西马, 东马

DeFungo & 安妮美 - 产品递送过程表 :
1.) 吉隆坡 与 雪兰莪 - 只要你是当天没超过4.00PM订购, 在当天你可以收您的货。订购货是要一定的数量。付款你可以当场付给我们的“安妮美送货人”。但过了4.00PM那我们明天才会送给你。

2.) 西马的客户 - 同一天4.00PM前订购与付款与确认付款,那2-3天你就可以收到你的货。

3.) 东马客户 - 同一天4.00PM前订购与付款与确认付款,那3-6天你就可以收到你的货。
** “2与3”的方式,全部订购的递送工作时间表, 我们是于吉隆坡与雪兰莪一般工作日,就是星期一至星期五,六是半天

DeFungo & 安妮美 - 产品订购时间 : DeFungo & 安妮美网络商店工作日是 7天,时间是从9.00AM 至 5.00PM。但如你要订购,无论是电话还是网络订购我们只是在 9.00至4.00PM。如有任何不便,请见谅,谢谢。

Cordon 7 Days 康王7天 - English Version

Cordon 7 Days康王7天

Malaysia Online Hot Selling Healthy Product - Cordon 7 Days

Cordon 7 Days, Great Day!

Cordon™ 7 Days Cordyceps Sinensis Brown Rice Cereal NutriDrink

The World's First Formulated.
Cordyceps Sinensis Brown Rice Cereal NutriDrink.
Eliminating The Traditional Strong Raw Medical Taste, A Guaranteed Favourite For The Young And Elder.

This post is belong about Cordon 7 Days on English version, for Chinese/Mandarin click this post 康王7天

The Cordon 7 Days is made from selected high quality of milk, rice, added with glucose, amino acid and trace elements, fully ensure that the intake of nutrient is sufficient in its growing process. Its trace elements content test result is consistent with the wild Cordyceps, where the content of Cordycepin is 30 times exceed to the wild Cordyceps.

About Cordon 7 Days :
- High Dietary Fibre
- Free Cholesterol
- Free Trans Fat
- 12 Difference Vitamins
- 18 Essential Amino Acids
- Over 20 Beneficial Trace Golden Elements
- Source of Vitamin B3, Iron & Inulin

The Cordyceps are traditionally helpful as the followings in use for auxiliary :
- Enjoy Quality Sleep.
- Improve metabolism.
- Regulate body function.
- Reduce cholesterol level.
- Aids the digestive system.
- Eliminate fatigue and relieve stress.
- Enhancing antioxidants, caring skin.
- Maintain healthy skin and muscle tone.
- Promoting cell growth and cell division.
- Detoxification and solve weight problem.
- Significantly enhance the vitality of the lungs.
- Enhance immune and nervous system function. 
- Enhance your memory, physical strength, endurance and overall performance.
- Promote cardiovascular health to strengthen the kidney function.
- Prevents constipation, gallstones, anemia, and colon cancer.

Three major benefits of taking Cordon™ 7 Days Cordyceps Sinensis Brown Rice Cereal NutriDrink’s
1.) Affordable price to general consumers.

2.) 100% safe to consume. Employs Nano technology process to ensure maximum absorb to the human body. High quantity of cordycepin and protein. Contains 18 essential Amino acids. Over 20 beneficial trace elements and 12 different vitamins  .   

3.) Instant soluble, contains brown rice, wheat, Chicory, pleasant taste, convenient for daily intakes as meal substitution.

The Cordon 7 Days :
- Japan Technology
- Nano Technology
- Approved By KKM

Cordon 7 Days Usage :
* Children : Half sachet per day for below 12 years. 2 Days per half sachet
* Adult : 1 sachet for per day. Recommended each day for per sachet

Cordon 7 Days Content :
1 Box 7 Sachets
1 Carton 12 Boxes Cordon 7 Days

Product Name : Cordon 7 Days

Product Stock Code : BS1002e_Healthy_Cordon 7 Days (BS1002e)

Product eTalk : Cordon 7 Days, Every Day Is Great Day. Cordon™ 7 Days Cordyceps Sinensis Brown Rice Cereal NutriDrink is made from selected high quality of milk, rice, added with glucose, amino acid and trace elements, fully ensure that the intake of nutrient is sufficient in its growing process.

Product Price :
* 1 Box RM49.90
* 1 Boxes RM99.80
* 2 Boxes RM149.70
* 3 Boxes RM199.60 (28 day set)
* 10 Boxes FREE 2 Boxes (1 Carton = 12 Boxes)RM499.00 (1 box equal RM41.60). 1 person for 3 months Cereal NutriDrink, OR 3 person for 1 month Cereal NutriDrink.

Product Delivery Charge : Recommended for 1 Carton order.
* 1 Box RM8.00 - Peninsular Malaysia
* 2 Boxes RM15.00 - Peninsular Malaysia
* 3 Boxes RM18.00 - Peninsular Malaysia, RM20.00 - East Malaysia
* 4 Boxes RM20.00 - Peninsular Malaysia, RM25.00 - East Malaysia
* 1 Carton RM18.00 - Peninsular Malaysia, RM20.00 - East Malaysia

Product Delivery Area : Peninsular Malaysia / East Malaysia

Product Process Duration :
1.) For Kuala Lumpur & Selangor - Same day before 4.00pm for phone ordering with terms and condition, your goods will be send out at the same day.

2.) For Peninsular Malaysia - Before 4.00pm for your ordering and payment pass verification. You will receive your goods within 2 - 3 working days. If is after 4.00pm we will count as tomorrow ordering.

3.) For East Malaysia - Before 4.00pm for your ordering and payment pass verification. You will receive your goods within 3 - 6 working days. If is after 4.00pm we will count as tomorrow ordering.

Working Days & Time : DeFungo work for 7 working days from 9.00am to 5.00pm, except public holiday. Online or phone ordering only allow for 9.00 am to 4.00pm

Agent Wanted

我公司为以下的州大展宏图 :兰卡威,玻璃市,吉打,槟城,丁加奴,吉兰丹,彭亨,吉隆坡,雪兰莪,森美兰,马六甲,柔佛,沙巴,纳闽联邦直辖区.寻求全马不同阶级,来跟我们一起销售以下产品 “L5 Chocolate, Skinourish, Cordon 7 Days, Konjac Sponge etc". 

有興趣在家賺錢的,還是自己開店的。都希望你們可以聯係我^^. 不需要你給任何費用,只需要你有責任感。網絡的都不需要囤貨的哦^^ 

大家可以为自己选定以下的职位开始销售以上的产品 :

1. Stockist Keeper A, B, C
2. Dropship
3. Retail Shop
4. Authorized eCrosser
5. Runner


1. 我的电话号码 012-5066343


Stockist Keeper/Dropship/Retail Shop/Authorized eCrosser/Runner Wanted - Join with DeFungo Authorized System, we are looking for following state : Langkawi, Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Pahang, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Sabah, Sarawak, Labuan ^^...

Call for Us by Phone: 012-5066343 or PM by

You wan to earn extra income at home with computer, ipad. Easy and simple. No risk, No Stock Costing, No Hidden Cost. All is open price for who are works and want to earn money from sales.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

L5巧克力/L5™ Chocolate

L5 Chocolate 喝出您美丽的好身材



只需每天早上喝一口L5 CHOCOLATE,美好身材不是梦想!

L5巧克力 除了是一杯香醇可口的巧克力饮料,


L5 助您燃烧脂肪的当儿也能透过当中的营养元素维持健美身材。健康瘦身无需大费周章,L5 CHOCOLATE让您一口喝出健美好身材!
你,真的瘦够了吗???只需每天饮用一杯L5 Chocolate,你就可以瘦得健康苗条!


L5 Chocolate 是目前马来西亚最火热的有机瘦身法,采用了先进的德国有机配方,搭配独创的配方技术L5 Technology,让你轻松喝出健康好身材!L5 CHOCOLATE的成分可以帮助你提高身体的新陈代谢,迅速燃烧脂肪以及阻止脂肪推挤以防止体重反弹。同时也会雕塑你的肌肉!

人人都热爱经过高科技的L5 Technology处理 - 现在喝巧克力也可以瘦身 - L5瘦身巧克力让你天天享瘦 - L5瘦身巧克力在不改变原有的味道和口感的同时加入了瘦身成份 - 巧克力的香
让你难忘, 现在它的瘦身效果更是让你越吃越苗条。

想要瘦身并不难!快乐享瘦最轻松!而且 :
* 免打针吃药。
* 免挨饿节食。
* 免危险吃药。
* 免费力运动。
* 免算卡路里。

* 不厌食、不腹泻、不乏力。
* 脂肪燃烧。
* 提高新陈代谢速率。
* 瘦身同时雕塑肌肉。
* 增强免疫功能。
* 促进肠胃蠕动。

L5 CHOCOLATE 有 5个L - 每个L都有是如下的意思 :
1. 左旋肉碱 "L-carnitine"
- 左旋肉碱 (L-carnitine),是一种促使脂肪转化为能量的类氨基酸。
- 左旋肉碱在减肥过程中真正达到了世界卫生组织(WHO)所规定的健康减肥三大标准:不厌食、不腹泻、不乏力。
- 左旋肉碱的主要生理功能是促进 脂肪转化成能量,服用左旋肉碱能够在减少身体脂肪、降低体重的同时,不减少水分和肌肉,在2003年被国际肥胖健康组织认定为最安全无副作用的减肥营养补充品。

2. 左旋精氨酸 "L-Aginine"
- 左旋精胺酸的抗氧化性能支持身体各个系统运作,并能预防心脏病,中风,癌症和糖尿病,以及减缓过早衰老现象。
- 左旋精氨酸提高生长激素分泌量,可增强瘦肌肉质量及维持骨骼密度,进而减少体脂肪组织,因此它有助于体重控制和重力训练。
- 年龄越来越大,人体内的抗老化荷尔蒙的分泌量就不断减少,左旋精氨酸可增加抗老化荷尔蒙的分泌,抗老化荷尔蒙可使身体结实,脂肪燃烧,提高新陈代谢速率。

3. 左旋谷氨酰胺 "L-glutamine"
- 左旋谷氨酰胺强化的营养支持具有改善机体代谢、氮平衡、促进蛋白质合成的功能。
- 谷氨酰胺是健美运动和健美爱好者的重要营养补剂,它是肌肉中最丰富的游离氨基酸。
- 左旋谷氨酰胺还是少数几种能促进生长激素释放的氨基酸之一。谷氨酰胺能够增加肌肉细胞体积、刺激肌肉蛋白和糖原的合成,因此在瘦身同时可以“雕塑”肌肉。

4. 左旋赖氨酸 "L-Lysine"
- 赖氨酸是人体必需氨基酸之一,能促进人体发育、增强免疫功能。
- 人体只有补充了足够的左旋赖氨酸才能提高食物蛋白质的吸收和利用,达到均衡营养,改善营养不良状况。
- 左旋赖氨酸是控制人体生长的重要物质抑长素中最重要的也是最必需的成份,对人的中枢神经和周围神经系统都起着重要作用。

5. 左旋甘氨酸 "L-glycine"
- 甘氨酸提高睡眠质量起着很大的作用。
- 甘氨酸能供应更多的肌酸,延缓肌肉的退化。
- 甘氨酸可降低血清胰岛素(胰岛素),使肝脏制造较少胆固醇。植物食品中含有的甘氨酸及精氨酸含量较高,所以素食者罹患心脏疾病者比例较低。

L5巧克力 食用方式 
每天一次, 每次一包,于早餐前用50ml温开水冲服。
L5巧克力 保存方式 :置放于阴凉干爽处。
L5巧克力 贴心提示 :食用此产品期间,为达到理想效果,每天务必饮用2-3公升的白开水。
L5巧克力 规格 :一盒15小包,每小包10克。
L5巧克力 注意 :
* 只适合18岁至60岁健康成年人食用。
* 儿童及怀孕或哺乳女性避免使用。
L5巧克力 安全食用认可指标 :
* 适合素食者食用。
* 高规格品质保证。
* 国际制造及标准卫生署颁发GMP许可证。
* 马来西亚卫生部颁发许可证。
* 马来西亚伊斯兰教发展署颁发HALAL证书。

产品名称 : L5巧克力/L5™ Chocolate
产品包装 : 1盒 = 15 包。
产品存货代码 : BS1004c_瘦身_L5巧克力大瘦身 (BS1004c)
L5巧克力产品解说 : L5™ CHOCOLATE 最夯的快乐瘦身法,一口喝出好身材。瘦身无需大费周章,免挨饿节食、免危险打针、 免伤胃吃药、免剧烈运动、免计算卡路里轻轻松松,瘦身大成功。

 DeFungo - L5巧克力西马规一产品价钱表 :
* 1  盒 (15包) : RM120 
* 2  盒 (30包) : RM230  (原价RM240)- 一个月的疗程。
** 上面的市价还没包括西马邮费计算的。其它L5巧克力的数量价钱请联系我们。以上的L5巧克力市价是一般普通销售的价钱而不是“促销”的价钱。
 DeFungo - L5 巧克力东马规一产品价钱表 :
* 1  盒 (15包) : RM125 
* 2  盒 (30包) : RM240  (原价RM250)- 一个月的疗程 。
** 上面的市价还没包括东马邮费计算的。其它L5巧克力的数量价钱请联系我们。以上的L5巧克力市价是一般普通销售的价钱而不是“促销”的价钱。
 DeFungo - L5 巧克力产品递送价钱表 :
* 1 盒 RM6.00 西马, RM6.00 东马
* 其它L5 CHOCOLATE数量邮费价钱,请联系我们,谢谢大家。
DeFungo - L5巧克力递送地方 : 西马,东马
DeFungo - L5巧克力产品递送过程表 :
1.) 吉隆坡  ,雪兰莪,怡保 - 只要你是当天没超过4.00PM订购, 在当天你可以收您的货。订购L5巧克力的数量4盒。付款需要當天匯去我店的戶口。但过了4.00PM那我们明天才会送给你。
2.) 西马的客户 - 同一天1.00PM前订购与付款与确认付款,那2-3天你就可以收到你的货。
3.) 东马客户 - 同一天1.00PM前订购与付款与确认付款,那3-6天你就可以收到你的货。
**“2与3”的方式,全部订购的递送工作时间表, 我们是于吉隆坡与雪兰莪一般工作日,就是星期一至星期五,六是半天
DeFungo - L5巧克力产品订购时间 : DeFungo 网络商店工作日是 7天,时间是从9.00AM 至 11.00PM。但如你要订购,无论是电话还是网络订购我们只是在 9.00至8.00PM。如有任何不便,请见谅,谢谢。

更多的相关L5 CHOCOLATE照片 您可以从我们“面子书 :雅緻小筑 - L5 Chocolate - Chinese Version”里找到。

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