Monday, September 30, 2013

【5+9健康无毒享瘦配套】 - L5 Chocolate + Pro9 健康瘦身产品

L5 Chocolate + Pro9 => Perfect Match
#Defungo #L5Chocolate4u #完美享瘦 

配套A :
2盒l5chocolate +2盒pro9(一个月疗程)
配套B:4盒l5chocolate +2盒pro9(2个月疗程)
配套C:3盒l5chocolate +3盒pro9(1个半月疗程)

朋友们一个个成为产品见证人〜产品的好〜有图为证〜只要提供之前和之后的照片~🈶给予free产品一盒(term n condition apply)

* 无需挨饿
* 无需运动
* 无需打针
* 无需吃药
* 无副作用

无需节食。任何食物都可以吃噢^_^,而且也无需运动喔,因为 喝一包l5 chocolate等于做了运动。它可以燃烧体内多余脂肪。 可以软化反复减肥失败所造成的顽固脂肪 stubborn fat,软化后的顽固脂肪将容易被燃烧和分解。这样瘦身就很快看到效果了。尤其是搭配pro9。双倍效果。无毒享瘦完美配套。

Defungo Authorized Nationwide & Cross-over Provider For Pro 9 + L5 Chocolate Distributor, skinourish+lemon.
任何询问与订购,,请联络 ↙↙
客户专线 ↬0125066343/0166895412
( Sms,,Whatapps,,Line,,wechat& Call )

或按inbox 留言 ↙↙

或加本人了解更多详情 (Vicky Yan) (Hera Cheong)

online shopping mall:

Place your order for L5 Chocolate Slimming, Pro 9 healthy, SKINourish beauty before 5PM. Same days delivery after payment verify. Also, you can PM directly to our online customer service for ordering and shipping method. Contact us : 0125066343 / 0166895412 ( Wechat/Line/Whatsapp) Blog: FB Page: Online Store : Company website : Defungo - L5 Chocolate Slimming Wholesales and Retails.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

L5 Chocolate 让女顾客身型变小 脸型变尖✦✦

#Defungo #L5_Chocolate_Distributor = > Please Like our Page .

L5 Chocolate  让女顾客身型变小 脸型变尖✦✦
享瘦 L5 Chocolate 三重功效 :
调节阻断 - 调节阻断脂肪深层堆积
燃烧分解 - 燃烧分解排除转换雕塑
调节补充- 调节均衡吸收而不反弹
L5 Chocolate Testimonial 

任何询问与订购,,请联络#Defungo ↙↙
客户专线 ↬0125066343/0166895412
( Sms,,Whatapps,,Line,,wechat& Call )

或按inbox 留言 ↙↙
或加本人了解更多详情 (Hera Cheong) (Vicky Yan)

online shopping mall:

Place your order for L5 Chocolate Slimming, Pro 9 healthy, SKINourish beauty before 5PM. Same days delivery after payment verify. Also, you can PM directly to our online customer service for ordering and shipping method. Contact us : 0125066343 / 0166895412 ( Wechat/Line/Whatsapp) Blog: FB Page: Online Store : Company website : Defungo - L5 Chocolate Slimming Wholesales and Retails.

Monday, September 23, 2013

L5 Chocolate + Pro9 完美无毒享瘦是你最佳的选择。

#Defungo , #L5Chocolate4u 每天都出貨。。歡迎大量批發/零售 *^▁^*

之前只喝L5 chocolate的她,身材瘦瘦的可是就是肚腩大大的让她感觉懊恼!原本只是想透过Pro9解决便秘问题,谁知10天内竟出现惊人效果,小肚腩不见了马甲线开始出现了!

L5 + Pro9 完美无毒享瘦是你最佳的选择。

任何询问与订购,,请联络 ↙↙
客户专线 ↬0125066343/0166895412
( Sms,,Whatapps,,Line,,wechat& Call )

或按inbox 留言 ↙↙

或加本人了解更多详情 (Vicky Yan) (Hera Cheong)

online shopping mall:

Place your order for L5 Chocolate Slimming, Pro 9 healthy, SKINourish beauty before 5PM. Same days delivery after payment verify. Also, you can PM directly to our online customer service for ordering and shipping method. Contact us : 0125066343 / 0166895412 ( Wechat/Line/Whatsapp) Blog: FB Page: Online Store : Company website : Defungo - L5 Chocolate Slimming Wholesales and Retails.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


FAQ : 
FAQ: a2dlife - L5 Chocolate [English]
Is there any negative effect with L5™ product such as weight rebound effect?

Our product is specially extracted from selected natural fruits and plants and do not have any side effect. L5™ perfect slimming programme can be divided into fat burning phase and steady weight loss phase to ensure customer achieve ongoing integrity of weight loss without any side effect. It is recommended either indirectly continue or reduce the consumption by following the instructions when our body reach an ideal body weight, thus our body is able fully adjust to the relentless changes in your external and internal environments.
How much time does it take to decrease weight by drinking L5™?
Whether increased fat burning will result in actual weight loss is dependent upon several variables. Generally, it takes 7 days as adjustment period, and normally 15 days might be able to see significant weight loss effect, especially the slimming effect of your waist, stomach and lower abdomen. Some might may pose more significant weight loss results, and some might get quick result for lose tummy fat, however if you keep continue drinking L5™, you will definitely get a perfectly shaped body!
What is the proper way and gently instruction to drink L5™?
First, add L5™ into 50ml of warm water and stir till thoroughly mixed. (Remember do not mix L5™ with hot water). During this period, it is recommended consume more fresh vegetables and natural fruits, as well as drinking at least 3ml water in order to refill the consumption of body water result from fat burning. Apart from that, please maintaining a moderate exercise and maintaining both physically and mentally relaxed which will definitely enhance your weight loss results.
Why will feel little less thirsty after drinking L5™?
It is because the fat burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively, meanwhile this process can take away much water, as well as our body will generate heat and excreted from body’s respiratory system during the procedure of fat decomposition. Therefore during the early stage of weight loss process, the normal response is to become thirsty. After later stage of weight loss, all symptoms will gradually disappear. Most important tips for now is drinking more water and let your body sweating to remove fatty acid through the skin and elsewhere.
Why some customer may have constipation during the weight loss process?
The body’s water supply are significantly involved in fat metabolism, as you slowly adjust eating habit during diet process, such as symptoms of eating less than before, lack of fiber from natural food, heat-induced gastrointestinal are reasons which cause constipation, but this situation typically last for few day and will be back to normal.
Why some customers experience a slight sense of satiety during the weight loss process?
Some customer may contribute to an excessive calorie intake in their daily life. During the decomposition of fat, our body will generate enough of energy for daily usage which not necessary for additional energy supplement; Besides, L5™ contain amino acids, cocoa fiber, Guarana seed extract, White kidney bean extract and other natural ingredients which can effectively adjusting our eating habits. During this period, it is recommended to take three main meals on time.

Products Selling Price

Products Selling Price

Payment Option : Credit Card via Paypal or Maybank2u Pay.
Others Bank please request to us!!!

Top Seller :

1) L5 Chocolate Slimming Price : 
L5 Chocolate Slimming
L5 Chocolate Slimming

West Malaysia $

East Malaysia $

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2) Pro 9 healthy Price

Pro 9 - Healthy
Pro 9 - Healthy 

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3) SKINourish Matcha Collagen Beauty Price 

SKINourish Matcha Collagen+lemon FREE SHAKER
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Place your order for L5 Chocolate Slimming, Pro 9 healthy, SKINourish beauty before 5PM. Same days delivery after payment verify. Also, you can PM directly to our online customer service for ordering and shipping method. Contact us : 0125066343 / 0166895412 ( Wechat/Line/Whatsapp) Blog: FB Page: Online Store :, Company website : Defungo - L5 Chocolate Slimming Wholesales and Retails.

Monday, September 2, 2013

享瘦排毒一次过搞定!付少少钱,拿多多产品!促销至到 2013年9月15号

2013 Sept 2th Before 2.00pm Order For L5 Chocolate, Pro9, Skinourish
距离促销限期还有13天吧了。宝贝们,年尾圣诞节要到了,后就是新年了,在这段时间好好把握排毒与瘦身 ^^

★★年中大优惠★★ 立刻通过我們 #完美享瘦 #L5 Chocolate Slimming, Perak/Selangor area 可以面交购买得到。
享瘦排毒一次过搞定!付少少钱,拿多多产品!促销至到 2013年9月15号

可以联系我 0166895412 / 0125066343 OR PM INBOX

♡大优惠配套 A : 两盒排毒PRO9 + 一套养生肌肤 SKINourish
▶ 随此配套赠送摇摇杯 [只需RM460], (原价RM520) *节省RM60*

♡大优惠配套 B : 两套养生肌肤 SKINourish
▶ 随此配套赠送摇摇杯 [只需RM480], (原价RM560) *节省RM80*

♡大优惠配套 C : 四盒瘦身L5+ 一盒排毒Pro9
▶再送你一盒排毒Pro9 [只需RM600], (原价RM720) *节省RM120*

♡大优惠配套 D : 四盒排毒Pro9+一盒瘦
▶再送你一盒瘦身L5 [只需RM600], (原价RM720) *节省RM120*

♡大优惠配套E : 三盒瘦身L5+两盒排毒Pro9
▶再送一盒排毒Pro9 [只需RM600], (原价RM720) *节省RM120*

#DeFungo 为您誠意介紹產品:
1. Pro9 -抗氧化、排毒去水腫、消肚腩及解決便秘問題。
2. SKINourish - 修復皮膚、促進皮膚水嫩,保持皮膚美白,當中的抹茶功效更能讓人體達到養生功效。
3. L5- 燃燒全身脂肪、促進新陳代謝、無需節食打針及刻意運動的情況也可輕鬆瘦身。

赶紧把握良机在优惠期间以特惠价购得我们的绝佳产品瘦身排毒恩物l5 chocolate slimming + pro 9 吧!^^

♡将好康进行到底♡ 立刻联系#L5 Chocolate Slimming drink Product 網絡和本地批發,perak地區的可以直接PM我 购买得到。
6盒只需RM600 !!!
(原价RM720) *节省RM120*


每个女人/男人都希望自己在拍照时能够更美更性感还是帅气,要想美想要帅,今天就介绍你瘦身+排毒与健康的“完美大瘦身美美” - "瘦身与排毒 促销配套 :GREAT PACKAGE 5盒 L5 Free 1盒 Pro9/L5" 只需RM600 。 #完美享瘦 , #Defungo#L5 Chocolate / L5 巧克力 Perak / Selangor area 可以pm我。

随时有大量的货量,你随时可以购买到 独一无二的促销配套 ^^. 想要拥有自己一个可爱的瑶瑶杯吗,今天你只需同时订购“一套的 Skinourish 抹茶胶原蛋白+柠檬 - 一个月疗程 RM280" 就可以拿到了哦。

或者Promotion PACKAGE A: 2 boxes Pro9 + 1 Set SKINourish, Now only RM460, or Promotion PACKAGE B: 2 set SKINourish Matcha Collagen, Now promotion price is RM480 .

电话联系 “0166895412 - Vicky Yan” OR "0166895412 - Hera Cheong. Or U can Pm Inbox to " XXXXX" , 我们提供以下的订单服务哦 :
1. Nationwide Postage or courier services and/or International EMS
2. C.O.D Service FREE POSTAGE (地方面交) : Within Ipoh area, Batang Kali, Rawang, Kuala Lumpur, Kuantan, Serembane, Sibu and others.
3. Pick-Up Service : only Batang Kali/ Ipoh
4. Delivery Service "within 24 hours go get your order" for Batang kali/Ipoh. Minimum Delivery Charge will apply.

5. L5 chocolate facebook :
6. Online Store :

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